
helping People know god

To truly know God. Not just to know facts about Him or to be able to give details of what He is like. But to know Him because we have experienced Him. Our desire is to guide all generations into experiencing that kind of life of knowing God and making Him known.

Helpful Resources

Growing in your faith is difficult and we want you to know that you’re not alone. So check out these helpful and practical resources!

A Parent’s Guide to Smart Phone Addiction

The Bible Project

Book Recommendation:
Soul Keeping by John Ortberg


Wednesdays | Sept 2 - Nov 25 | 6:30-8:00 PM

Have you ever sat with your grandparents as they unpacked stories about their grandparents? Where they came from. What they did. What they were like. They show you old photos and items that have been passed down generations. The book of Genesis is a story about beginnings. Where we’ve come from. The people that God met and entrusted with passing down the knowledge of Himself. The people that believed, trusted, and obeyed. And as we read it, we learn a little more about ourselves and the kind of relationship God desires to have with us.

upcoming Events

  • Baja Missions Trip

    Friday, November 1 - Sunday, November 3

    Join as we partner with Baja Christian Ministries to build a house for a family in need. CLICK HERE to let us know that you are interested in going!

    Want to learn more about this trip? Join us at the interest meeting Sunday, July 28 following service.

    *This trip is labor intensive, we recommend children be at least 13 years of age.