Our Story

Becoming Birch Street

At the heart of the call to Birch Street is the desire to be where God is working and moving. This is a unique situation. Three churches, led by that longing to be where God is working, eager to come together to make a greater impact in making God known. At Friends Community Church, God was stirring the leadership towards expanding their influence in the community through church planting. At Brea Olinda Friends Church, God was preparing the church for a new season of ministry. At The Well Friends Church, God was prompting a move into a new space and a new vision. Separately, these churches were cultivating a soil that would be ready to receive the seeds of rebirth.

As the leadership of those churches met to discuss where they were and where God might be leading them together, it became clear that God was wanting to do a unique work on the corner of Birch Street. In bringing these churches together, two things would happen: the gospel would go forth into the surrounding community with greater force and the Church would be strengthened. In other words, the people from these three churches would come to know God more deeply and would make Him known more widely.

We could accomplish something greater together.