
You probably clicked on this page because you want to know what to expect when you visit.

Well, you’re at the right place! You can find all that info below.

  • But as you read, our hope is that you would start to realize that you actually clicked on this page because God is at work in your life right now. So whether you choose to visit Birch St or another church in the area, please know that God loves you, he knows where you’re at in this moment, and life transformation is around the corner.

Sunday Mornings

We meet weekly on Sunday mornings at 10AM. We believe this time is used by God to unify us in being refreshed, equipped, and sent out with a renewed vision for the work God is doing in us and around us. Our time together consists of singing, reading the Bible, listening to a message that’ll prompt an inward conversation with God, and getting to know one another while enjoying donuts and coffee out on the patio. Our goal in all of this is to know God and to make Him known.

Our Campus

You can enter the parking lot of the church from Birch St. Directional signs will point you to the Sanctuary where our Sunday morning service is held. Make sure to visit the Welcome Cart out on the patio for church information. On the patio you can also grab a donut, check in your kids for their classes, and meet some new people!

Kids & Students

Our desire is to guide all generations into experiencing a life of knowing God and making Him known. We want the kids and students at Birch St to have a genuine sense of belonging, participation, and spiritual growth. So we are very intentional about finding ways to get all generations involved and interacting with one another.

Nursery (infant-3 years) and Preschool (3 years-kindergarten) kids can be checked in and dropped off in their classroom before service begins. Elementary (1st-6th grade) kids are checked in prior to service but join their family for the first portion of our main service. After singing together, their teachers will help dismiss them to their classes. You can find out more about our kids program and check-in procedures by visiting the Birch St Kids page.

Contact Kim Lopez
Birch St Kids Director

Our students (7th-12th grade) join the adults in the main service on Sunday mornings. They have separate events held throughout the month to build friendships and study the Bible together.

Contact Darcy Webster
Associate Pastor

What To Expect

At Birch St you can expect to hear Bible based teaching, contemporary and participatory music that is reverent and celebratory, and a welcoming “come as you are” environment. Some will dress business casual, many will wear jeans, and some will show up in shorts.