Local and Global



We strive to be the means by which God introduces himself to our local community through intentional and meaningful partnerships. These include serving at the annual Brea 8K, providing welcome gifts for those moving into local apartments, and participating in Love Brea.


We embrace a holistic approach to mission that not only nurtures the spiritual growth and salvation that is only found in Jesus, but that also actively addresses the tangible needs and social challenges of the communities we serve. In doing so, we seek to radiate the love and grace of Jesus throughout the world.

Missionaries We support

  • A.A. AND M.A.

    EFM Missionary

    A.A. and M.A. started serving with Evangelical Friends Mission in Bangladesh in 2005. They are living out their vision to raise faithful disciples and to equip leaders in order to plant churches throughout the country. They love their land and its people and are finding that many Hindus and Muslims are open to the good news of Jesus.

  • Sward Family

    EFM Missionary

    Scott and Andrea Sward have served in Cambodia with Evangelical Friends Mission since 2009. They are currently focused on planting and strengthening churches. In order to do that, they are training and mentoring local leaders, developing resources in local languages, and sharing the gospel of Jesus.

  • S.B. AND D.B.

    OC Missionary

    S.B and D.B are working with One Challenge, a global disciple-making movement. Their focus is to contextually demonstrate the love of God for those who need to know Him. They work with other professionals to empower a core team of national movement catalysts. This team seeks to enact significant changes in the welfare of those they’re ministering to and to procure justice for the hurting.

Upcoming Missions Trip


NOV 1 - NOV 3

Join us as we partner with Baja Christian Ministries to build a house for a family in need in Mexico. All levels of experience are welcome.

* This trip is labor intensive, we recommend children be at least 13 years of age.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16