

In the book of Acts, the church awakens to the call of Jesus to be sent into the world with his message of hope. However, the process of being sent carries out through seasons of preparing, waiting, and moving.


Christmas 2023

What kind of season do you find yourself in? Maybe it’s a season of anxiousness or cynicism or waiting. The glory of this Christmas Season is the unexpected news that God is willing to meet us in whatever season we find ourselves. And as we meet Him, we will discover new seasons of trust and belief and hope.



We are under construction. It's uncomfortable and messy. But there's progress as long as we show up to the job site. God has plans for each of our lives. Blueprints. Can you look back over this past year and see what He's been making you into?



Psalms is a prayerbook that reflects the highs and lows of the lives of those seeking to follow God as they anticipate the fulfillment of His kingdom. At its heart is the belief that even when God seems distant, He is in fact, very near.



There are consistently two paths in front of us: the path of Wisdom and the path of Folly. The book of Proverbs helps us to know which is which. And to recognize which path we are currently walking.


Easter 2023

There seems to be a resting level of anxiety and agitation that permeates our lives. But what if that was not the case? Jesus’ offer to you is peace.


1 John

Our weeks are filled with people and situations that irritate or even hurt. In this study of 1 John we’ll learn how to respond with grace.