Revival or riot

Pastor Darcy Webster
Acts 19:1-41

Like the people in Ephesus, we have a chose to make. Will you choose a life of repentance and faith or a life of stubbornness and fear? One leads to revival and the other, riot.

false Summits

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 18:18-28

Being teachable means not settling for false summits, but rather, continuing to learn and grow.

staying or going

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 18:1-7

Studies have estimated that we make 35,000 decisions in a day. How do you go about navigating all of those?

Stirred Up

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 17:16-34

We abandon the world and then wonder why it is getting more godless. What if instead of isolating and insulating we instead engaged?

Stirred Up

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 17:1-15

In what ways has the church fallen into the trappings of a mob mentality?

Called to be faithful

Pastor Darcy Webster
Acts 16:6-40

We are called to be faithful; we are called to be sensitive to the spirit's leading and we are called to share the Good News. And in that God will often use the unexpected to work all things together for the good.


Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 15:36-16:5

With every disagreement comes the opportunity to grow in empathy and self-awareness.

Anything Goes?

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 15:1-35

The early church faced a crisis of identity. So they held a family meeting to discern the path forward together.

Nay Sayer or Yay Sayer?

Pastor Darcy Webster
Acts 14:1-28

There will always be nay sayers, but make sure the call of the Lord on your life, the importance of sharing the good news and the encouragement of likeminded people have a greater influence over your ministry than the opinions of the nay sayers.

In God’s Hands

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 13:13-52

God is currently at work in ways that you can’t and wouldn’t even be able to comprehend.


Pastor Larry Girard
Acts 13:6-12

In an unhealthy world what does healthy confrontation look like?


Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 12:25-13:5

God is in the habit of bringing us along in the work that he’s doing in this world.

Who is on the throne?

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 12:19-24

Sin is not something to be managed. It is something to be confronted and dealt with and transformed.

At full stretch

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 12:1-19

When the church gets serious about prayer walls crumble, shackles fall off, and previously shut doors fling wide open.

God uses ordinary people to do new things

Pastor Larry Girard
Acts 11:19-30

God is in the midst of doing a new thing. What is your place in it?

We are all his favorites

Pastor Darcy Webster
Acts 10:1-11:18

God uses His people to share His Good News! Both Cornelius and Peter were faithful and the Lord used them to fulfill His promise to His people, Jews and Gentiles

Being a miracle

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 9:32-43

What if instead of being focused on receiving a miracle, we were more focused on being a miracle.

Sharing Who You Are

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 9:19b-31

Paul started right where he was at with the people God had intentionally placed him in the midst of.

stopping the spiral

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 9:1-19a

Jesus didn't rescue Saul out of the river of sin so that he could just sit on the shore and beat himself up for being caught in the current.

Evangelism and Enthusiasm

Pastor Darcy Webster
Acts 8:26-40

If we pay close enough attention we will soon find plenty of opportunities to enthusiastically share the good news.

Conformed or Transformed?

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 8:5-25

Sometimes we hold tightly to the emptiness because it gives us the illusion of control. Until we are confronted with the fullness and power of Jesus.

Gracious Boldness

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 6:8-8:4

The Holy Spirit will fill us with the attitude and mind of Jesus as we face frustrating people, situations, and conversations.

neglected Communities

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 6:1-7

Exponential ownership will lead to exponential growth.

New Life

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 5:17-24

Will you grab a hold of it for the first time? It’s there for you. Will you go and tell? The amount to which you experience it will be the amount in which you tell.

Nothing but the blood

Pastor Darcy Webster

Blood is vital for each one of us.  Not only is it vital for our physical health, but it is crucial for our spiritual life as well!

a Full Commitment

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 5:12-16

When fully submitting to Jesus’ lordship over your life, you give up a lot…but you gain everything!

a Generous community

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 4:32-5:11

What are some things we can be generous with?

a Courageous prayer

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 4:23-31

Through their prayer we see a pattern for our own.

being with Jesus

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 4:1-22

What does your facial expression say about Jesus?

Waiting on a miracle

Pastor Darcy Webster
Acts 3:1-26

Are you waiting expectantly for God to do a miracle in your life?

A Devoted Life

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 2:40-47

As the early church grew, they devoted themselves to keeping the main thing the main thing.

What does this Mean?

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 2:14-41

A crowd begins by asking, “What does this mean?” And by the end, the question turns to, “What shall we do?”

Outworking evidence

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 2:1-13

The outworking evidence of God’s inward presence takes many shapes over our lives. But it’s all meant to do the same thing, point to who God is and what he can do with a life submitted to him.

apostles and Disciples

Pastor Darcy Webster
Acts 1:15-26

We are being SENT- with authority given to us by Jesus through his Spirit!

In all we do, in all we say, wherever we are, and whoever we are with, we must realize and embrace the fact that we are on MISSION!

Waiting Well

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 1:4-14

Jesus doesn’t just want us to wait, he wants us to wait well.

from knowledge to understanding

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Acts 1:1-3 and Luke 24

Experience takes knowledge and turns it into understanding.