Rolling Stones
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 16:1-20
Standing in an empty tomb, next to a large stone that God had miraculously rolled away, an angel invites a group of people in to see the reality of the resurrection that God is bringing to humanity.
Why the Cross?
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 14:43-15:47
Stop and contemplate the cross of Jesus. What he endured and why he endured it. But couldn’t he have accomplished that “why” any other way?
How Would You Respond?
Pastor Darcy Webster
Mark 14:1-42
In this passage we see many responses to Jesus and the news of his upcoming arrest and death. How would you respond? Or maybe a better question is, “Have you responded?”
These Things and Those Days
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 13:1-37
Ever have trouble staying awake waiting for something or someone? Sometimes we can grow weary in our faith too. Jesus’ words in this passage are clear: “Stay Awake!”
Losing My Religion
Pastor Darcy Webster
Mark 11:27-12:44
Why is it that when Jesus offers us a relationship with God, we so often settle for a religion instead?
What Would Jesus Find?
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 11:1-26
If Jesus were to walk into the temple of American Christianity, what would he find?
As Goes The Leader
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 10:32-52
Jesus talks with his disciples about the difference in his leadership versus the kind that the rest of the world practices. And if we desire to be his disciples, then we must follow his lead.
He Looked and He Loved
Pastor Darcy Webster
Mark 10:17-31
The way we view our money and possessions is a matter of the heart. We can tell a lot about our priorities by looking at how we utilize those two things.
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 10:1-12
A discussion on the difference between God’s intention and God’s concession.
The Great Debate
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 9:30-50, 10:13-16
While walking to their next destination, the disciples engage in an argument. Jesus uses their discussion as a springboard for a series of lessons on greatness, pride, and servanthood.
The Walk Of Faith
Pastor Larry Girard
Mark 9:14-29
What is faith? And how do we get more of it?
Listen to Him
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 9:2-13
God’s glory is revealed in a remarkable way. Heaven explodes onto Earth and the touchpoint is Jesus. What does this mean? What’s the purpose? And what do we do in response?
The Cost
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 8:22-9:1
“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep in order to gain what he cannot lose.” - Jim Elliott
The Provision of God
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 8:1-21
Jesus cares. He cares enough to be intimately involved in our lives. Big and small. And He is powerful enough to provide for our needs. But what keeps us from seeing or experiencing the provision of God?
What is God Doing?!
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 7:24-37 & 8:22-26
Have you ever asked the question: What is God doing?! Maybe the response He’s giving to your prayers doesn’t align with what you want. How do we respond to His response?
Inside Out
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 7:1-23
Jesus asks the crowd, “Are you going to follow your heart? Or are you going to follow me?”
Untiring Compassion
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 6:30-56
Jesus kept trying to teach the same lesson to his disciples over and over. God is in their midst and He desires to care for people. Thankfully, He is gracious with us as we figure it out.
Facing Opposition
Pastor Darcy Webster
Mark 6:1-29
Jesus is not unfamiliar with opposition. As his disciples, we are called to run the race, all the while remembering his struggle. So that, when we face opposition, we will not grow weary or lose heart.
Cupcakes Are Muffins that Believe in Miracles
Pastor Darcy Webster
Mark 5:21-43
Are you hoping for a miracle? Are you praying for a healing? Are you experiencing a circumstance where grief has nearly trumped hope?
What is Your Name?
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 5:1-20
Jesus didn’t shy away from broken situations. Instead he met them with humanizing compassion.
Does God Care?
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 4:35-41
Sometimes our perspective gets a little skewed. In those moments it can be easy to ask the question, “Does God Care?”
The Imperceptible Seed
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 4:21-34
God’s kingdom is like an imperceptible seed. The question is: are we willing to meet God on his terms or are we forcing him to meet us on ours?
Do You Want to Know a Secret?
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 4:1-20
In this passage, Jesus asks his followers, “Are you listening to me? If you are, then let me tell you a secret.”
Foe or Family?
Pastor Darcy Webster
Mark 3:20-35
Jesus’ ministry on earth can be summed up in two words: invitation and revelation. The revelation brought opposition. But Jesus responded to his opponents with wisdom, common sense, patience and a beautiful invitation to be part of his family.
The Twelve
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 3: 7-19
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? We find out as we look at his first 12 followers and what he called them to do.
Religion or Relationship?
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 2:18-3:6
When it comes to our experience with God, which do we trend towards: Religion or Relationship?
Where Is Jesus?
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 2:13-17
Jesus consistently offers people two simple words: “Follow Me.” So where is he? And are we willing to follow him there?
Everybody Needs Somebody
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 2:1-12
We can all agree that community is important. But what is community supposed to do? And what makes community work?
The Touch of Jesus
Pastor Darcy Webster
Mark 1:40-45
Jesus often reached out to those that others wouldn’t. And his touch would change things. How is Jesus calling you to radical compassion this week?
Where’s Our Rest?
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 1:21-39
Jesus wasn’t ever hurried. He was constantly busy. But he wasn’t ever hurried. Where did he find his rest? And where do we find ours?
Good Advice or Good News
Pastor Tyler Lemen
Mark 1:1-13
Jesus didn’t live to offer good advice. He lived to declare good news. Which have you been seeking? Which have you been offering to others?