the way to peace

Pastor Larry Girard
Philippians 4:4-9

If worry is the sickness that breaks us into parts, then prayer is the antidote that makes us whole.

The Same Mindset

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Philippians 4:1-3

Division, bitterness, anger, and disagreements are all around us. How do we handle these things? Do we seek unity found in Jesus or do we try to solve the problem ourselves?

Straining Towards the Goal

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Philippians 3:12-21

Are you straining, leaning in to pursue Heaven? Heaven is being fully immersed in God's presence.

A righteousness Not our Own

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Philippians 3:1-11

Your confidence is only as strong as the thing that you put your confidence in.

Not a solo trek

Pastor Darcy Webster
Philippians 2:19-30

God did not intend our faith journey to be a solo trek!  Who is walking alongside you?  Who are you walking alongside?

without grumbling

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Philippians 2:12-18

When our finite work is empowered by the infinite worker, that is when our work is given eternal significance.

The Mindset of Jesus

Pastor Rich Glasgow
Philippians 2:1-11

The Bible calls us to have the mindset of Jesus. But how do you achieve that mindset?

Iā€™m So Blessed!

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Philippians 1:27-20

The moment God opens our eyes to the brokenness of the system in which we live, that is the moment we put our feet down onto solid ground in the midst of the river. And we begin to feel the pressure of standing firm against the current.


Pastor Darcy Webster
Philippians 1:19-26

Being convinced takes confidence. For the believer, we need to be confident in prayer, power of the Holy Spirit, hope in glory, and most importantly faith in Jesus Christ.

A total Reversal

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Philippians 1:12-18

Who are the unlikely people and where are the unlikely places that God is using your life as a conduit for the gospel to reach?

Under construction

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Philippians 1:1-11

Construction takes time and can seem to drag on. Like watching fruit grow on the vine, it doesn't just happen overnight. But it appears in its season. In the times of patiently waiting, know that God has not and will not give up the work to be done.