God is worthy

Pastor Larry Girard
Psalm 111

Sunday morning is not about you. So then, what is it about?

fretting over fear

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Psalm 27

A perpetual state of fear. Is that where the Lord wants us to be?

A Testimony Shared

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Psalm 66

This week, we are going to have an opportunity to testify to God’s power, provision, and purpose. When that opportunity comes, what will we say?

Joy Through Confession

Pastor Darcy Webster
Psalm 32

There is a profound joy that comes through confession.

Called to Compassion

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Psalm 41

What if instead of praying against people, we started praying for them.

Am I Right?!

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Psalm 54

God is interested in fighting our battles. If we’d allow Him.

Getting Past
Past Sins

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Psalm 25

God desires for us to walk in a freedom from shame and guilt.
But how?!

Dealing With Depression

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Psalm 42

As a Christian, how are we to respond to or deal with seasons of depression?

Learning to
Trust God

Pastor Larry Girard
Psalm 115

We learn to trust people over time as we experience them being trustworthy.

The Great Shepherd

Pastor Rich Glasgow
Psalm 23

The focus of Psalm 23 isn’t us. Rather, the focus is all on the Great Shepherd who leads us in a deep relationship of lacking nothing.

A Life of Contentment

Pastor Darcy Webster
Psalm 34

Are you content with where you are and who you are in Christ?

Made to Worship

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Psalm 98

Worshipping God is all about living a declarative life of devotion to Him in response to who He is and what He’s done.

A Solid Foundation

Pastor Tyler Lemen
Psalm 1

The blessing of being secure and confident and deeply rooted is promised in the first psalm. But who is it promised to?